Today marks a significant moment in the history of Forfar Farmington as two stalwarts of the club play their final games as they bid farewell to the SWPL team having amassed over 1,200 games between them over a near 29 year period, which must be a record in the women’s game!
We caught up with Club Captain Nicola Davidson and her long time team-mate & friend Alana Bruce as they took part in their final training sessions before their retirement today.
Keen to learn more about their journey with Farmington they shared the following memories and highlights :
Q – what was your earliest memory of playing football?
Nicola – playing with my big sister and brothers then first team memory playing for Dundee West Boys (what a team) then age of ten signing for Forfar Farmington in 1993
Alana – Playing at Martin Park in Kirrie with my cousins Gav and Dougie, before joining Forfar Farmington in 1992
Q- What have been your career highlights as individuals and as part of team?
Nicola –
- I have many great highlights one at age of 12 being the only female player out of 16 international teams playing in the FIFA Fair Play Tournament in France – I got a nice gift and funny moment when one of the team managers approached my mum and asked to buy me!
- U13’s for Forfar can I just say what a team, we had to play 3 games in the one day to win the league and to celebrate we done a Klinsmann through the biggest puddle.
- Being part of the Farmington exchange twice and meeting some awesome people and on my second trip getting joint player of the trip with Avril.
- Another highlight has to be finishing second in the league and being in a Scottish cup final against Glasgow City where we just lost out 1-0
- Being Captain for so many years is obviously an honour as well!
Alana –
- As an individual I’d have to say making the full National team. I was in the squads since I was15 so 1997 till 2003, 16’s, 18’s and A squad.
- With Farmington it would be the session we were second in the league and Scottish cup finalists running Glasgow City close
Q – Best player played with and against?
Nicola – Too many to name – I’ve had the privilege of playing with some very talented players.
- Against – again lots of very good players I’ve shared the pitch with but Suzanne Lappin, Leanne Crichton and Fara Williams.
Alana – Nicola Davidson / Fara Williams
Q – Sure we know the answer to this but what will you miss the most when you retire?
Nicola – I will miss playing for sure miss seeing everyone and especially the changing room banter
Alana – The banter with the girls!
Q – What pieces of advice would you give to the young players at Farmington who look up to you?
Nicola – Train hard, play hard, learn & listen to your peers, be coachable but most importantly have the best time and cherish every moment!
Alana – Train hard, play hard and enjoy every minute of your Farmington days! They will be some of THE best days of your life!
Whilst Alana & Nicola are departing the 1st team scene we certainly hope to see them around the club as role models for the next generation of players coming through. The committee, coaches, team mates, parents and every other player at the club thanks them both immensely for their undying commitment to the club over the years and wish them all the very best for the future!
They are pictured receiving momentos from Club President Colin Brown to mark their 600+ appearances and we will be having a further presentation at the Clubhouse on Tuesday evening this week.
Alana Bruce and Club President Colin Brown Nicola Davidson and Club President Colin Brown