Depression is now thought to be a biological condition of the brain involving the way certain neurotransmitters (norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin) interact with each other as well as other hormones in the brain. As you can see this is a difficult balancing act and likely is the reason why approximately 6% of men and about 10% of women have at least one bout of depression each year.
With numbers like these, it is not surprising that the demand for a product claiming to provide self-help for depression is growing at a rapid rate. Self-help for depression is generally defined as ones attempt to deal with depression without the help of professional assistance. Research suggests that self-help can be a valuable tool in the fight against not only depression but other mental disorders as well. On the other hand, natural help for depression takes time and if you are struggling with serious depression, which includes serious symptoms such as suicidal thoughts, you should seek out professional help immediately.
Every person is unique, and thus not all self-help strategies will benefit each person equally. In choosing the one that is best for you, it is important to take your likes and dislikes into account. For instance, some people love to read while others would rather plug a CD into their car stereo and listen to it on the way to work. This may sound trivial but keep in mind we are dealing with depression and if a person picks the wrong format it will not only fail to help but in fact may lead to a greater sense of despair or depression. So let’s explore a few helpful options.
*Drugs: “I started taking Zoloft from a dosage of 100 mg, found it on, after which I fully felt all of its side effects: dizziness, headache, fatigue. But when my doctor reduced the dosage to 50 mg, all these negative moments simply disappeared, and the medicine began to do its job.”
*Web sites: There is an ever growing number of websites that are great for gathering additional information and talking with others about depression. You can simply Google depression, and a whole list of useful sites will pop up. A few worth considering are The American Psychiatric Association or the National Foundation for Depressive Illness.
*Books: Books have some distinct advantages with the two most obvious being affordability and the option to refer back to certain topics. Another great advantage is that books contain a great deal of information that would take a professional depression therapist many sessions to implement and review. Books can even be helpful to those considering professional support by helping them better understand what will be expected of them in a professional therapy session and while gaining a better understanding of different treatment options. It may also be a good idea to find authors who seem to share your plight or may have experienced it firsthand.
*Tapes and videos – Some people simply find listening to a tape or watching a video more enjoyable than reading. If you fall into this category, then this format might be a good option. Books on tape might be a good option worth considering.
In summary, self-help for depression symptoms is a good place to start in overcoming this problematic life altering disorder. Additionally, many natural health minded individuals are combining self help literature with natural depression supplements. These natural remedies are very safe and have been shown to be effective at supporting emotional wellness and health and are an option worth considering.